National A.N.S.W.E.R. Conference Against War, Colonial Occupation and Imperialism May 17-18, 2003, in NYC

Activists and organizers will be traveling from across the East Coast, Midwest, South and West Coast to attend the May 17-18 National Conference Against War, Colonial Occupation & Imperialism. (The date has been changed from what was announced at the April 12 demonstration -- please note new date.)

This is an extremely important meeting for organizers and activists. It will include analysis, assessment, evaluation and strategizing, both in workshops and in full plenary sessions. This will be the first opportunity for the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition and its affiliate organizers to meet since our conference that was held in New York City a year ago (June 1, 2002). Activists and organizers with the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition have been at the forefront of the struggle against the Bush administration's ultra-militaristic foreign policy as well as its assault on civil rights and civil liberties at home.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq has created a U.S. military dictatorship in a country that possesses 10 percent of the world's oil supply. This occupation is meeting widespread resistance throughout Iraq.

A.N.S.W.E.R. and others around the country and the world have been at the center of a new worldwide movement against endless war and imperialist conquest. This global movement showed its power even after the seizure of Baghdad when demonstrations took place on April 12 in over 60 countries in response to a call issued by A.N.S.W.E.R. and other international coalitions.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are aggressively pursuing a design for World Empire. We believe they will fail not because some other force possesses superior military power to stop them, but instead because of the worldwide resistance that will intensify in the months and years to come.

The purpose of the upcoming May 17-18 conference is to provide the evaluation, analysis, political program and action plan for this coming struggle.


MAY 17-18 New York City

Where is Bush going? What's next for our movement?

Join anti-war organizers and activists from around the country for

  • Strategy
  • Analysis
  • Evaluation and assessment
  • Plenaries and workshops


  • US plans for war and occupation: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine
  • The US and Iraq in historical perspective
  • The US, Israel and the Palestinian National Liberation Movement
  • "National security strategy of the USA:" Blueprint for Global Domination
  • Fighting for national liberation and the right to sovereignty from the Philippines to Zimbabwe to Colombia
  • Why working people of all nationalities - in the US and around the world - have nothing to gain from Bush's war for empire

Buses will be organized from Washington DC to New York City for the two-day conference. Detailed information to follow.

A flyer (half sheet, available in English and Spanish) for the conference is available at:

Updated flyers will be available soon.


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