GUSH SHALOM pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033

Our vigil in front of the Defence Ministry yesterday provided the first
support for the 27 pilots visible on Israeli TV.
With the government-led media campaign against the group of 27 we
had expected that there would be some hostile reactions from the
street. But it is remarkable how many positive honking and waiving we
also got.

Among the following forwarded messages is the one about another act
of support being prepared - a petition of lecturers and students, and the
statement of General (ret.) Amos Lapidot.

Today's new target of the hate-campaigners is the appeal to the
Supreme Court about the Shehadeh assassination war crime - see
also below. (Deputy education minister Zvi Hendel suggests to expell
the books of the participating writers from the school curriculum.)

[] Evening in Solidarity with Mordechai Vanunu - 1.11.03
[] Petition in support of the 27 pilots
[] Statement of former IAF commander General (ret.) Amos Lapidot
[] Petition of women against the Wall
[] The Shehadeh assassination war crime appeal
[] Refuser Solidarity Network September Newsletter

[] Evening in Solidarity with Mordechai Vanunu - 1.11.03

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:55:21 +0200
From: rayna moss <>

An Evening in Solidarity with Mordechai Vanunu

A solidarity event marking the 17th anniversary of Mordechai Vanunu's
kidnapping and imprisonment by Israel.

October 1, 2003, at Salon Mazal, Simta Almonit 3 (entrance from King
George St), 8:00 p.m.

Lecture: The History of the Atom Bomb - Akiva Orr, physicist and
antinuclear activist Film: Israel's Secret Weapon, BBC documentary
- English, no translation Discussion

Information: Rayna Moss, 051-368236

[] Petition in support of the 27 pilots

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: "Anat Biletzki" <>
Date sent: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 03:06:12 +0200

Hello All,


The following is a statement drafted in support of the pilots' statement.
{No English version.]

Those who agree with the statement and wish to sign should urgently
send their name, title, and university affiliation to one of the following:
(Also for receiving attachment with the Hebrew text.)




[] Statement of former IAF commander General (ret.) Amos Lapidot

General (ret.) Amos Lapidot, commander of the Israeli Air Force from
'82 to '87 expressed mild criticism and a lot of sympathy with the
refuser pilots in an interview in Yediot Aharonot of today.

"I understand the protest of the refusers. Their protest is not against
the Air Force but against those who give the orders and define the
policy which leads us nowhere. I share the view of the refusers that the
occupation is increasingly corrupting our people. Professor Yeshayahu
Leibowitz said it already 36 years ago, and now everybody with eyes in
its head could see it. Just look at the violent behavior of drivers at the
Israeli roads. I think that the refusers took an unwise step, since a pilot
in the Air Force is a volunteer anyway and nobody could force him to
fly. What should have done is collectively resign from the Air Force.

About the liquidations: I think that when there is a ticking bomb,
somebody who is about to commit a suicide bombing or participate in
it, it is justified to kill him but the policy makers should look further
ahead. We are not enough sensitive and aware of what we are doing to
the other side. We have to recognize that the Oslo agreement failed
not only because of them but also because of us. We should create a
horizon of hope and start immediately with dismantling the settlements.

(Yediot Aharonot, Sept. 30, on page 7, in "I understand the refusers.
We should stop the occupation" by Yigal Mosko & Yossi Yehoshua -
together with statements of several other former IAF commanders who
were against.)

Send the pilots your letter of support

[] Petition of women against the Wall

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: <>
To: Gush Shalom
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 5:55 PM
Subject: women against wall- tsilli


Only a border on the "Green Line" between Israel and Palestine will
bring peace and security

To: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon Fax: 02-6705475
The Prime Minister's Office
Building 3, Kaplan Street 3
Jerusalem 91919 1st October, 2003

Mr. Prime Minister!
You promised peace and security but you have failed. Peace has not
come. We have known no security for the three years of your time in
power. We have only known terror, killing and destruction - 800 of our
citizens have been killed, families devastated and thousands of people
injured. Every single opportunity for peace has been destroyed by you
in acts of revenge. You have not entered into peace negotiations, but
only tried to use military force. The way you have chosen has been to
lure us into war.
We, citizens of Israel, accuse you of being guilty of ruining the peace
process and of a policy of violence and illegal activities against the
Palestinians. The bombs, the assassinations, the killings, the
demolition of houses, collective punishment, checkpoints, closures
and curfews have only increased the suicide bombings in our streets.
Leaving us abandoned with no hope.
Today a Separation Fence is being built which is supposed to bring
security. At the beginning it was proposed to be built on the Green
Line. Under the guise of a so-called Security Plan, and with no
opportunity for public debate, the Fence has become a strategy by
which 50% of Palestinian West Bank land is being expropriated. It has
become a means of annexing settlements into Israel in a deceitful
infringement of international law. One and a half million Palestinians,
denied their rights and left with no income, will be locked into cantons
and camps, as Israel closes them off with walls on the east, north,
west and south. (See the attached map.) This is a program of
annexation which will bring us neither peace nor security. You are
using a policy based on deceit, in a pattern of behaviour which we are
familiar with from the past. The route of the fence you are building over
approx. 700 kms (more than double the length of the Green Line there),
reveals you are not in the least interested in a negotiated border
between Israel and Palestine. Your only interest is victory by means of
Occupation and shedding of blood. In your time in power as prime
minister, there will never be peace.
We do not agree to take part in or to permit the annexations by the
Wall which you are building and which go against all principles of
justice, morality and law and which harms both Palestinians and
Israelis. We do not agree that in our name parents are being
separated from their children, pregnant women from their hospitals,
farmers from their land and students from their schools and
universities. We do not agree to be hostages in the hands of settlers
who number only 3% of Israel's population. Nor do we agree to be
partners in an economic policy which is stealing bread from the elderly,
children, single mothers, the sick and the handicapped for the sake of
building this wall of annexation, settlement and war. We refuse to be
partners in this disgraceful crime on both nations which you are
committing. In this reality which you are intentionally and deliberately
creating, anyone with conscience cannot live here anymore. No walls
and no fences will bring peace or security. That will only be achieved
by the evacuation of settlements, the end of Occupation and the return
of Israel to within the borders of the Green Line.
Bat Shalom and others, including Women Against the Wall:
Tsilli Goldenberg, Nurit Steinfeld, Ofra Ben-Arzi, Rivka Merhav, Angela

We, Women Against the Wall, call on all citizens of Israel to join us
and sign this letter, by sending your name to
with the subject of "Women Against the Wall" so that your email is
easily identifiable from spam!!

Or by telephone to Tsilli: 056-403429

Protest against the wall

Thursday, 2 october, 2003, at 15:00 at the prime minister's office,
hakirya, jerusalem.
We will hand the above letter to the prime minister and demand the
immediate halt of the construction of the "separation fence".
We invite all men and women to protest with us.
For additional information contact:
Tsilli 056-403429

[] The Shehadeh assassination war crime appeal

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: "peretz kidron" <>
Date sent: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 08:43:27 +0200

Dear friend,

Yesh Gvul, in association with a group of Israeli intellectuals, is
submitting a petition to the Supreme Court, requesting that the Court
direct the state's legal authorities to launch a criminal investigation
into the deaths of 14 innocent civilians who died when an Israeli plane
dropped a one-ton bomb on a residential district in Gaza, with the aim
of killing senior Hamas leader Salah Shehadeh.

The petition was submitted after both the army's chief prosecutor, and
government chief attorney Elyakim Rubinstein, turned down Yesh Gvul
requests for an inquiry to be held. The intellectuals associated with
the petition are authors Izhar Smilansky, Sami Michael, Ronit Matalon
and poet Natan Zach.

Yesh Gvul regards the petition as one final effort to induce Israel's
legal and judicial system to face up to its responsibilities in relation
to suspected war crimes by Israel's armed forces. In the words of the
petition: "...This is the last stop of the law-enforcement train before
it goes beyond the national borders." If the Supreme Court fails to
offer due recourse, Yesh Gvul will seek ways of submitting the matter
to non-Israeli tribunals in countries whose laws allow for such cases to
be adjudicated.

Internet links on the Supreme Court petition
y-net (hebrew),7340,L-2772397,00.html
maariv (hebrew)
haaretz hebrew
ssID=2&subContrassID=1&sbSubContrassID=0 haaretz english Yesh Gvul has
an appeal for funds to help cover the legal costs incurred through the
Supreme Court petition. Contributions (cheques to "Yesh Gvul") can
be sent to Yesh Gvul, POB 6953, Jerusalem 91068, Israel.

US residents who wish to make a tax-deductible donation can send
checks (made out to "Eschaton/Yesh Gvul") to:

Eschaton Foundation
515 Broadway
Santa Cruz, CA 95060 USA

[] Refuser Solidarity Network September Newsletter

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: Steven Feuerstein <>
Date sent: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 09:28:32 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Supporters of the Refuser Movement,

We hope this message finds you well.
The newsletter can always be read on our website at:


The Refuser Solidarity Network

Our site: (òáøéú) (English)

\\photos - of actions or otherwise informative
\\the weekly Gush Shalom ad - in Hebrew and English
\\the columns of Uri Avnery - in Hebrew, Arab and English
\\and a lot more

On the Gush Shalom website links for:
Articles and documents in German, French and Spanish

In order to receive our Hebrew-language
press releases [mostly WORD documents -
not always same as English] mail to:
+ NB: write the word "subscribe" in the subject line.

If you want to support Gush Shalom's activities you can
send a cheque or cash, wrapped well in an extra piece
of paper to:

Gush Shalom
pob 3322
Tel-Aviv 61033