The preparations for NATO action
in Kosovo and against Serbia are in full swing. Simultaneously, for this
action by the NATO, for which it does not even yet have an authorization
by the UN, thus working by nothing but the immediate self-satisfied presumptiousness,
support is being drummed on all the media channels. One wants to save the
Kosovo-Albanians' refugees from starving and freezing, it is said.
There is, however, a dangerous precedence
being created in this way. The fear that actually rather the interventionist
role in many more trouble spots is being prepared is imposing itself upon
the politically experienced. In all of this, so-called "democrats" distinguish
themselves in a special way who actually introduce the crudest military
intervention on the international level, without any legitimation, as the
most self-understandable right. Actually the protection of a shaky capitalism
which demands millions of victims every month, and also the protection
of the presently existing structures of power is the supreme law for these
people. From Germany the designated chancellor, Gerhard Schröder (SPD),
and the speaker of the Greens, Joschka Fischer, had travelled to Bill Clinton
in order to prepare this action. The Greens who formerly had pointed their
moral forefinger to any leftist and had exhorted them to abdicate any kind
of violence, now as the first thing are planning an attack by immediate
violence. Already previously the up-to-now "defence" minister of the CDU,
Volker Rühe, also a former pacifist, has eminently spoken up for the
We think, however, that this dangerous precedence has to be attacked. Also the Serbian leadership, though, has to be put under pressure to search for conjoint solutions. It was its previous policy of concentration camps, of mass rapes and of abominable mass murders of civilians which is to give the pretence for this dangerous policy by the NATO. Decidedly it has to be supported, however, that Kosovo is a historic and a core element of Serbia. A solution with an autonomous federal state Kosovo would in the end also lead to a separation. Judging from the role the Albanian population played in the past one must fear that in the case of independence it would not treat the Serbian minority in any different way than it happens now the other way round.
Certainly Serbia has strongly ill-treated the province of Kosovo with its Albanian majority since 1981. Already ten years before the aggressions against Slovenia, then against Croatia, then the war in Bosnia happened there was ill-treatment of the Albanians in Kosovo. The matter, however, has a complicated historical background. If, though, the NATO can go over to a bombing terror against forces which it dislikes - if these acted correctly or not - then these main forces of international exploitation which tolerate misdeeds in many places of the world and stir them from the background, will feel encouraged to proceed in the same way in different contexts also in the future. We condemn these efforts and demand that the conflict be solved by negotiations.
Really, it is all too obvious: when at first the war raged, for example, against Croatia, when in East Slavonia incredible cruelties were committed, no idea of taking any military measures was expressed, particularly not from the part of Great Britain and the US, and neither of Germany. When the horrible instigated war of massacres in Bosnia raged, in which happened crimes of all sides but in particular of the Serbian side, there was not even the idea to intervene militarily. Great Britain with its sympathies then more or less stood on the Serbian side, and the US initally stood on the Serbian side, too, later a bit more on the Bosnian side; Germany stood with its sympathies more on the Bosnian side. The NATO carried through a military blockade which most of all hit the nation which then was most tormented and inferior with regard to weaponry, Bosnia, as it had not the armament capacity like Serbia. Thus the war, tolerated, and commented by TV, extended over four years with the worst crimes.
Under direct surveillance from Dutch UNO troops which allegedly had to guarantee a protection zone, as late as 1995 the Srebrenica massacre was committed, the biggest massacre after World War II. Only in the end of the war, when its results were already clear, decisions about military intervention were taken and this or that unimportant small air attack - against the Bosnian Serbs - was carried through.
During this time, by the way, when these dreadful wars were fought, Albania and Kosovo-Albania were an essential path for the weapons deliveries and smuggling and thus for decisive supplies for Serbia. And this in spite of the fact that other nations fought an initially desperate struggle against the Serbian superior strength. One has to ask oneself which role the Albanian "underground" was playing in this phase of the war.
Now for the sake of Kosovo-Albania an example shall be made, that NATO is able to start a bombardment which may endanger world peace but certainly will not in any way diminish the number of atrocities and wars in the world. The USA, Great Britain, Germany, France and other states are no world policemen and should be fought in this dirty role!
These powers are on the contrary the guarantors of an international order which under capitalist signs everywhere produces crime, hunger and a misery as not has existed so far. Is not the crisis which is coming now, which is threatening to catch the whole of capitalism but in Asia has already caught whole countries, a task which has to be mastered? In Indonesia 80 million people are starving. In todays capitalist Russia this is also already the condition of very many people. In many countries there is a crash of whole strata. Shall the powers who are responsible for all of that, now be allowed to pose and wage a war allegedly in order to punish atrocities? This lacks credibility in any respect. Therefore we demand that the bombardment is dispensed with together with the accompanying hypocrisy.
Without doubt the Serbian historical
rights are to be respected. Why at all is there talk about the Serbian
historical right? It cannot be disregarded that Serbia for centuries was
damaged in its development by the former Ottoman Turkey and its auxiliaries
which consisted mainly of Albanians, and that the Kosovo ("blackbird field")
for the Serbs still today just is a symbol of this oppression. The Ottoman
Turkish rule on the Balkans for centuries meant the oppression of nations
which were of a superior development as compared to these militaristic
usurpators themselves.
But can this be of import still
today in assessing the situation?
Can one reproach the Albanian population
of today? Without doubt a difficult question which demands balance. Finally
also the role of Islamic fundamentalism and its aggressive subversive activities
cannot be disregarded. It has become a phenomenon in the whole of Europe.
By the way, it appears under the mask of anti-capitalism and anti-usury,
too, and thus promises to give the people support against imperialism and
so-called communism. Actually everywhere it is a reserve for reaction.
Sometimes a true infiltration and intervention within other societies is
arising from it. It has to be fought. The Kosovo question thus in fact
has a dimension which concerns not only Serbia but also other European
states and even global policy.
What has to be done? One has to come together and plan actions. In doing so, a certain current among the left which previously covered the Serbian crimes and now does hardly want to say a word about NATO's intentions, has to be strongly condemned.
Editorial staff of NEUE EINHEIT
Oct., 10, 1998