Internet statement 11/99     from April,17 1999

On the So-called German Peace Plan

The so-called peace plan above all targets Russia. The Russian people is alarmed over NATO‘s attack against Serbia and Yugoslavia, which indeed is understood as a danger also for Russia. Because of this action by NATO one realizes much more about capitalism than at first was realized because of the economic relations. By this attack one rids oneself of many further illusions. 

All the more it is negative what Schroeder wants to achieve by his diplomatic offensive. Exactly this weak point of NATO he attempts to neutralize, by raising the Russians‘ hopes that they would be able to re-enter via the negotiations, and above all by flattering the Russian diplomacy that it would be able to re-enter "with equal rights". In reality NATO continues the bombing as before, and nothing is going to change about that, neither about the aim to get Russia into the grip. From that Schroeder‘s air bubble derives a certain importance. While the Americans continue their hard bombing, an illusion is being built up from here which basically is not able to solve anything. There are only cosmetic cutbacks by the German "plan" on NATO‘s demands regarding Kosovo.

In a certain way the plan also gives expression to the fact that the Europeans, for understandable reasons, are less interested in the confrontation with Russia than the US. But it does not solve the problems because Clinton and the NATO-strategists, the warhorses of imperialistic policy, will without cutbacks continue to pursue their aims. 

Editorial staff of Neue Einheit