Internet statement 14/99  from  May,6 1999

Is the German Foreign Minister J.Fischer a Peace Hero, Now?

Just in time for the Green‘s party congress there is a gushing frenzy for Joseph Fischer, the German foreign minister. Is Fischer now a peace hero?

Fischer is one of those who are chiefly responsible for the declaration against the Serbs in February/March 1999: either you accept the occupation of Kosovo by NATO and nobody else but NATO, and what is even more, the rights for the occupation of the whole of Serbia, or you will be bombed. The Serbs did not accept this, the bombing terror started, and now Clinton in connection with Fischer‘s "peace"initiative even announces an intensification. Not even a break of one or two days is made with the bombing. 

The only result which is to come out of this so-called peace initiative is, that some of the main perpetrators who presently are feeling the heat of criticism are suddenly covered with the mantle of the peace angel, although there is no reduction of their responsibility at all. 

Fischer, together with Clinton, Albright, Blair and Schroeder is one of those mainly responsible for the heavy war crime which is underway. This has led to indignation with a part of the Greens who could not accept such a "fantastic" change. Now the same Joseph Fischer is being celebrated as a hero by the media because in the G-8 consultation NATO‘s original decisive demand has been altered: Serbia - after six weeks of bombing - is demanded to accept only an occupation army without formal NATO leadership. Does the previous extortion in this way become invalid? Is Fischer no longer to be blamed now? Of course not - except in the propaganda of the German media, public TV channel #1 "ARD" for example, which every day from the early morning to the late evening is hammering into a very special direction and is processing reality only from a very special angle. The media do so with an intention which is easily visible: to make criticism of Fischer become weaker, to achieve that those parts of the Greens not accepting the war stick at it, and that the party tolerates the further NATO policy of armed intervention. 

In fact this new proposal by the G-8 shows that NATO by its demand to occupy Kosovo and to get occupation rights for the whole of Serbia has most gravely done wrong, and in every respect is leading a criminal war under the cover of humanitarianism. In fact, NATO itself has strongly taken part in instigating the civil war in Kosovo for two years and then taken it as the pretext to worsen the whole thing in the way it has happened. 
Don‘t let yourself be cheated by this new turn of the propaganda!

Editorial staff of Neue Einheit
Originally published in German, May 6, 1999