-For the public media
Political Declaration # 8
The Albanian people of Kosova and The Liberation Army of Kosova (KLA), are for some time now facing enemy offensives on a wide scale. The Liberation Army of Kosova, reorganised and restructured in the midst of new circumstances, is continuing with resistance. The only areas where the enemy have not yet encountered resistance are the areas where the pacifist and "professional" elements (former-police) dominate. These elements, in the name of "the defence of the people", have left this "defence" to the mercy of the enemy military machine, as were the instances in Sferkė tė Gashit, LLapqevė and Panorc.
The Liberation Army of Kosova and the Albanian people, are now being assaulted from behind, by colaborationist and pacifist elements. Against all odds, the Liberation Army of Kosova born of the people, in the flames of the war for freedom, will continue to fight until victory is achieved.
The enemy's military and propaganda machine, has intensified its fabrication of accusations against the Liberation Army of Kosova, for supposed mass killings and graves, firstly in Kleēkė and then in Gllogjan. Naturally these claims are made by this machine with the discovery of crimes and graves that Milosevic's now specialised and experienced criminals themselves have committed. If these crimes were committed by the Liberation Army of Kosova, then why did the Belgrade government refuse a visa to the specialist international organizations.
General Headquarters calls on the International Community to form a Specialist Group, so as to investigate the trail of crime in Kosova. For this, the International Community will have unreserved assistance from the Liberation Army of Kosova.
The General Headquarters of the Liberation Army of Kosova, calls on the entire Albanian people and especially those in Kosova, to in no way fall prey to the enemy and sickly pacifist disinformation, because the Liberation Army of Kosova did not take up arms only to surrender them, but to fight for feedom. If anybody would dare to do such a dishonourable act, then they will answer to a court and to history.
The Liberation Army of Kosova did not enter this war half heartedly; it entered with the motto: Kosova will be ours, or it will be ashes and dust, with the conviction that; more honourable is it to die in the quest for feedom than to live under subjugation (occupation).
We do not fight for party or ideological interest(s), (as do the political partys and leaders in Kosova and Albania). Our war is solely for liberation and unity, for national honour and dignity, for the future and democracy of our homeland.
All those who today are sacrificed and fallen for Kosova, are martyrs and heroes of freedom and the future, who have no need for lament. Mourning should be reserved only for the miserable pacifists, even as they live.
Honoured fellow nationals and compatriots, unite everywhere once and for all and support the Liberation Army of Kosova. Only those who support the Liberation Army of Kosova, support freedom and the independence of Kosova.
Prishtinė, 10 September 1998